
Foundation for Young Christian Entrepreneurs


2 Timothy 3 – The End Times
There is a growing darkness.
Let’s start a business revolution.
You don’t have to be like the world to conduct business.
You don’t have to be a business owner to make God the CEO of your business.
Join us to learn how.


Hello, I'm Charlie

what is your calling?

Your calling should not be focused on getting rich to give, but rather supplying to the Body of Christ for the advancement of His Kingdom.

What is your calling? Your calling could be associated with the talents you have developed and have been given to you by God. Discover your unique value and use your time, talent and treasure to advancement of the Kingdom of God.

God called us to be business and land owners not servants and slaves. Every Christian should be an independent business owner supplying their time, talent and treasure to spreading the Gospel and bring the world to the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

the body supplying the body

Joints and bands.

He joins and holds together the whole body with its connective parts providing the network needed so each part works to its proper design to form a healthy, growing and mature body that builds itself up in love. (VOICE Ephesians 4:16)


1. SUPPORT – be part of the skeletal structure. Become a mentor to other Christian Entrepreneurs.

Provide structure and support, while allowing for movement and growth.

Offer up your time

2. STRENGTHEN – be the muscles that propels the Body forward. Provide instruction to support the skeleton to move.

Provide the work to promote movement.

Offer up your talent

3. SUPPLY – be the lifeblood that is essential and gives the Body its strength and vitality. Support by using Christian networks of goods and services.

Provide nourishment to all the parts of the Body so they can keep working and growing.

 Offer up your treasure

I will not make an offering to the Eternal One, my True God, that has cost me nothing. (VOICE 2 Samual 24:24)

Making Christ your CEO

Consecrate your business for the Kingdom

Prioritize your spiritual life over your earthly life. Dedicate your business as a conscious, willing decision to surrender your business outcomes and incomes to God.

Dedicate your business to God

Have a conscious, willing decision to surrender your business and it’s outcomes and incomes to God.

Set your business away from the worlds system

Give priority to spiritual things over physical things. Lay aside the weights that entangle us into good things that may not God things.

Reflect on your business motives

Search out your true motives for doing anything. Question – What kingdom do you serve? Do you serve your kingdom or Gods Kingdom?

Our Ministry of Helps

Define your purpose

Discover your calling. The unique value you bring to the world to advancement of the Kingdom of God. 

Spirit led service

Serving is the way to victory. Service is either involuntary like a slave to this world or voluntary like serving God and the things of God.

Spirit led managing

Guiding others versus intimidating others to help your ministry. Cue trusted servants and check with Godly correction.

Spirit led giving

Sowing in your ministry. Offer your time, talent or treasure. If you have a talent or skill the Kingdom is paying for, you should be supplying that vital link to the Body.


You can be a great servant, a great leader and even a generous giver but if you are not a great steward, your ministry will no thrive or worse survive.

Ministry of helps

Get connected to, support, strengthen and supply others with your time, talent and treasures. Create a network of God centric businesses in your world.


How We Can Revolutionize Our World?

Your world is the sphere of influence you have in your home, neighborhood, community, region and the world at large.

How can you help? For starters:

1. You can start with helping Christ centered ministries have an impactful website designed with excellence to reach your world for the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ.

2. You can help Christ centered ministries develop a high quality livestream to reach your world for the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ.

3. You can help Christ centered ministries develop a mentorship program in entreprenuership for the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ.

Charles Trujillo

Humble servant of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Over 25+ years coaching management, product design, manufacturing development and quality principles and to aid in the development and maintenance of resources vital to the success of the mission.

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